"A Winternight Reunion"

by Goblins Stole My Brain

One dark winter night, Glintsprock hears a voice - a voice he hasn't heard for five years...
A story of ghosts and revenge..
# Fantasy
# Ghosts
# Dark
# High Fantasy
# Magic

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats. Read on your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer and more

Thank you for picking up this little story. So far, the “Glintsprock’s Quest” stories can be read in any order as I have done my best to avoid spoilers. If you’re interested in checking out more Glintsprock tales, please visit this link: https://louyardley.com/glintsprocks-quest/ This particular story was written in response to the December Prompt for the Ko-Fi Author Avengers: “In the dark of night, you hear a voice: the voice you most want to hear in the world, and the one you know is impossible to be hearing again.” As usual, I’ve interpreted this one a little loosely. I’m not sure Glintsprock particularly wants to hear this voice, but he’s a weird little chap, so you never know!